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Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Trademarks, Copy Rights and Patents

Legally protecting intellectual property rights comprising of Trademarks, Copy Rights and Patents owned by an organisation is essential for a successful business. A registered trademark helps its owner to establish ownership and protect it from claim from others and misuse of the same like passing off etc., Trademarks are registered and regulated by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of India. A trademark can be registered under the provisions of The Trademark Act, 1999. A registration certificate once obtained is valid till 10 years and may be renewed for an incremental period of 10 years by applying for the same. Similarly copy right of literary and artwork may be copyrighted to prevent piracy and enabling the owner to claim royalty for its users.

Patents are concerned with scientific work and innovations. A patent may be obtained by the due process of law and helps the inventor to protect copying the same for a period of 20 years as per the extant laws